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Thankful For Country Music

Shane Owen


2018 – Amerimonte Records.  Although we have received Shane’s previous album, this is our first introduction to this new entertainer.  At first glance, it is nice to hear traditional country again. Nonetheless when we break the album down the instrumental music contradicts Shane’s traditional country mentality.  More so, if you are a die hard classic country fan you will hear snippets of well known classic country songs from entertainers like Lynn Anderson, John Anderson, George Jones and more. The fact is, each song does prompt to mind melodies that have been previously recorded.  We would like to back these claims with hard core proof, however, we have more important things to do than spend days researching what songs these melodies were taken from.  It is our strong belief that if you were to take this album and compare it to the entertainers of the 1980’s you will certainly find the similarities that we hear. As a performer, Shane really needs to work on his delivery. His vocals are too choppy to the point that it sounds as if he recorded each stanza separately then later in production, they were pieced together to create the song.  Second, he needs to relax and let his vocals come naturally.  Now we understand this could be a result of anxiety of being in the recording studio.  Nonetheless, he needs to get over his anxiety especially if he desires a career in this industry.  We did find one minute moment in "30,000 Feet" and “Everybody Dies” where he was authentic.  It is this authenticity that we seek in a potential entertainer. Too many new entertainers try to hard to sound like the entertainers who inspire them; nonetheless, we as true country music fans do not want to hear want-to-be artists.  We long to hear a variety in our music; something that is lacking in today’s country music.  One of the trends we see in country music today is that of recording a song about a soldier.  Over the twenty-seven years we have been in business, we have heard some beautiful songs about soldiers and we have heard many who lack the core of knowledge in regards to serving, being a family of a service member, or losing a loved one to military service.  Shane Owens follows this trend with his song “Thankful.”  The mentality of the song speaks of a soldier who lost his legs in war; nonetheless he is thankful for being home.  The major problem with this song is found in the fast paced party-esque musicality.  Sure we agree that the soldier mentioned in this song would be appreciate being home – but one must take into consideration his current situation of losing his legs.  The song writer must take into consideration the physiological effects from the situation.  This is one song that we strongly suggest a re-write on the melody to slow it down to draw the soldier’s mindset.  Entertainers really need to mindful when they approach the subject regarding to our Soldiers and Veterans.  This is not a subject to approach lightly or without first hand knowledge.  Even Hollywood does not approach this subject carelessly.  Each movie about war, soldiers, Veterans, and the military often have at least one Military adviser or Military historian to ensure accuracy.  We wish that entertainers would do so as well. $ - $$

© Strictly Country Magazine May 7, 2020.

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